Friday, 22 April 2016

Avoid Common Mistakes During SEO

Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is a process to improve ranking of keywords in SERP(Search Engine Result Page ). SEO is time taken process to build online presence of websites, document, audio, video etc. For getting ranked in search engine we must have a patience, well optimize website, knowledge of search engine guidelines and also search engine terms and conditions etc.
All the search engines like: google, bing, duck-duckgo, baidu, yandex etc, have a their own guidelines, terms and conditions to display result in result page. So for getting best ranking of website we must have to work considering these search engines.

Some important factors of website to rank in Search Engines:
  • URL Structure
  • Meta Title
  • Meta Tag
  • Meat Description
  • Robot.txt
  • Sitemap
  • Internal Linking
  • Content(text, logo, favicon, image, menu, color, header, footer, )
  • Back link
  • website speed
  • Anchor Text
  • keywords
  • Social Metrices
  • Codes
  • Traffic
Normally a well maintain websites takes three months to rank. If after working more our website is not rank in SERP then there is surely something is not right. In this situation, we must have to analysis our website from beginning

In many cases after doing all thing correct a few common mistake always happens which is mention below:

1. Not Optimizing For Local Search: By optimizing local search customer focuses in certain city or region. Most search engines handle the local keywords in a different manner than other global keywords.

Try to include local keywords in page title or in meta keywords description. Additionally add local information like phone number and address in footer of the web page so that chances of showing local results will increase.

2. Not optimizing for right keywords: Keywords should as specific as possible. For eg 'web design' in the beginning is difficult to rank than 'web design services in Delhi'. As your website become old and get authorized one can optimize for more competitive keywords.

3. Title Tag and Meta Tag are not unique: Having company name or website name in title is such a blunder mistake that often several websites do. Each and every page should have unique title because page title are used in tweets when bookmarked by someone. So a unique and descriptive title are highly important.

4. Dont Use Same Anchor Text for Every Link: Always do some variations in anchor text, use the phrase, name of a company or one can use URL for natural look to visitors. Same keywords should not be repeated more than 50 percent.

5. Poor Quality Content: Hiring low paid article writers and using spin content is not recommended in SEO. It makes a bad impression on visitors. Visitors already know the quality of uniqueness. Once the visitor lost the confidence getting them back is much harder. So write only original content.

6. Not taking advantage of Great Design for links: There are several CSS design galleries that offers linking to your website based on having a great design. If website design is unique than you can submit to few sites for high quality links.

7. Start Fixing:

A regular watch on the site is an easy way to avoid such gaps in SEO and do fix as soon as possible. Start making as a habit to audit the reports daily from analytic tool to ensure that website is visible and ranking.


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